By abernal
While programming, most of the time a decision needs to be made, therefore we have the conditional tools, that help ups model such decisions
If and Else
if (*some condition is true*){ // do this code } else if (*other condition*) { // Otherwise, do this code if match the other condition } else { // Otherwise, do this code }
var valueA = 1; var valueB = 10; if (valueA > valueB){ console.log("The "+valueA+" is greater than "+valueB); }else if (valueA == valueB){ console.log("The "+valueA+" is aqual to : "+valueB); } else{ console.log("The "+valueA+" is minor than "+valueB); }
Binary AND &&
Evaluates to true if both values at the left and right are true, otherwise will evaluate to false
var valueA = true; var valueB = false; if(valueA && valueB){ console.log("Both values are true"); }else{ console.log(""); }
Binary OR ||
Evaluates to true if any of the two values at the left and right are true.
var valueA = true; var valueB = false; if(valueA || valueB){ console.log("Any Both values are true"); }else{ console.log("Both values are false"); }