Drupal 8 Development

Note from a webinar in Drupal Development

Mad with Power

Drupal 8 is more intuitive



Contains all the indivudual modules that Ted Bowman will present.


  • OOP
  • Importance of IDE
  • Base Fields
  • Extending Classes


More complicated but

  • More encapsulated
  • More self documented
  • Easier to learn




Base Fields

Everything is a field in drupal 8

  • Node : author, created, changed, content type
  • User : name, mail, password, roles


  • Use field widgets
  • Formatters
  • Configurable

Node Author

  • Entity reference to user
  • Can use all entity reference
    • formatters

User Roles

  • Entity reference to a role (config entity)
  • Can use all entity reference
    • Formatters 
    • Widgets
  • Form : not configurable
  • View: not configurable

Example Module : Real Author

Tracks who really wrote content

Separates drupal user from author

Adds new base entity reference field

  • Target type : user
  • Could use content

Remove editing and configuration of author field

Example Module : Show User Fields

Makes hidden user base fields

  • Viewable
  • Configurable


  • Roles
  • Last Login
  • Last Access


  • hook_entity_base_field_info_alter
    • Change field to be configurable
  • OOP
    • use old school hooks
    • Benefits from drupal 8

Example Module: No Access Reference Label

Allow view of referenced entities labels without entity view access

Links to viewable entities

Acts like author label for other references

Implementing Plugin

Where to Start

  • Find a similar plugin
  • Can you extend it
  • Can you extend its parent