Analyze text using basic regular expressions

Basic regular expressions

Special characters

Metacharacter Description
. Match any single character
[] Match any single character within the square brackets, for example
grep 'aljandr[oa]' /etc/passwd, will return either alejandra or alejandro
? Match the preceding character zero or one times, example :
grep -E 'paulas?' /etc/passwd, will match paula or paulas
+ Match the preceding element one or more times, for example :
grep -E 'j[a-z]+n' /etc/passwd, will return for example - joan, john, jason, jonathan
* Match the preceding element zero or more times, for example :
grep -E 'jo[a-z]*n' /etc/passwd, will return for example - joan, john, jonathan
^ Match the beginning of a line, for example
grep '^bin' /etc/passwd, will return all lines that start with bin
$ Match the ending of a line, for example
grep '/bin/[kz]sh$' /etc/passwd, will return all line that end like 
/bin/ksh, /bin/zsh


This command will sort the the output of a given file for example

​$ sort /etc/passwd


This command will look for term within files, it can be customized in order to display the information is a given way

$ grep -rin --color "some term" *

This command will search for "some term" within the current directory and all subdirectory files


This command displays the first 10 lines of a file, it can be alse customized to display more initial lines

$ head /etc/passwd


This command displays the last 19 lines of a file, it can be also customized to display more lines or to display the last part of a file dinamically

$ tail /etc/passwd
$ tail -f /var/log/messages


This command navigates in a read only way a given file, used most commonly to analyze big files such like error files

$ less /var/log/messages


This command also navigates in a read only way a given file, it has fewert capabilities compared to less since it can scroll down but not up and others functionalities

$ more /var/log/messages


This command displays the content of a given file, it does not allow navigation

$ cat /var/log/messages