
Chapter 26. Memory : Monitoring Usage and Tuning

Memory management


  • Know how to use entries in
    • /proc/sys/vm
  • Decipher
    • /proc/meminfo
  • Use vmstat
    • To display information about memory, paging, I/O, processor, activity, and processes memory consumption
  • Understand
    • How the OOM-Killer decides when to take action and selects which processes should be exterminated to open up some memory

Memory Tuning considerations

Chapter 25. I/O Scheduling

I/O scheduling


  • Explain the importance of I/O scheduling
  • Understand how Completely Fair Queue and Deadline algorithms work

I/O Scheduling

It is the interface between the generic block layer and the low-level physical device. Both Virtual Memory and Virtual File system layers submit I/O request to block devices, its the job of the I/O scheduling layer to prioritize and order these requests before they are given to the block devices.

Any I/O scheduling system has to satisfy certain conflicting requirements:


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